Currently, I'm getting annoyed, by the littlest of things. The weather is annoying me, the attitude of some people who just don't know where to draw the line is annoying me, and of all things Facebook pun dah macam annoying. Sebab tu dah lama tak on kot haha. Whatevah.
It's kinda ridiculous I know, but I can't really control it. Ye la, siapa yang boleh control sangat emotions dia kan, you can't really make yourself feel one way about something if you really feel another. Does that make sense? Aiyya.
Entah. Maybe it's just stress. I've just started the second semester for my foundation course and HOMAIGOSH 7 SUBJEK LA BUDUSH! HAHAHAHAHAHA. We've got Economics, Social Psychology, Global Issues, Law 2 and Law 3 (which will involve Torts, Criminal and Contract Law), plus the English subjects. Grr. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited as hell. I mean, Psychology sounds pretty great kan. Just kinda overwhelmed I guess.
The fact that this semester's results plus last semester's will determine where I end up nanti is pretty scary. Malas nak online. Ni pun online sebab I've just discovered that my room gets Streamyx Wi-Fi and is pretty damn fast. Kalau tidak nak tunggu modem connection yang kelembapan just to get internet access and then probably end up melayan Facebook, I dunno, it makes me feel guilty.
Like why am I loitering around my friends' profiles just to see what they've been up to whan I could be memorising criminal cases yang akan masuk finals. Facebook masuk finals ke? Will there be a question like, "How many people did you stalk on Saturday?"
I highly doubt that. Bukannya I wanna quit Facebook cold turkey, but right now, there's no urge to log in just yet, later lah. Blogging ni pun I feel macam I'm wasting time, but hey, it's therapeutic OK so suka hati aku lah kau peduli apa haha.
It's the time I've got to absorb everything that's really freaking me out. 14 weeks je OK! Yes, by early March dah finals. So macam gila weh. December dah cuti Xmas, then dah January, pastu February skejap then boom, March. When are we supposed to find time to breathe through all of this?
Forgive my drama queen moment, I'm just scared. People tend to get crazy when they're scared.