Ini kalau Cikgu BM sekolah lama aku tengok mesti menangis. Scratch that, any Malay Language teachers who see this would probably weep their hearts out. It's a random excerpt from a conversation I read. Lain kali kalau tak nak orang baca, private kan je lah gambar2 camwhoring tu daa.
"HahAha,xkAn cikgU rAmbUt kUnEnnnn oWk niEw..hik3,jUmpE cliEnt yg nA bUat lOan la wEiii,cikgU kt sEk niEw..hehE
Of kAn kAkak pAliNg bAik kAt mUkE bUmi TUhAn niEw..apE yg adEk2 nA,btAw jEw k..akAn kU tUnAikAn,dUn wOry :)
Owh,skUnk hAndlE opEratiOn la ae..srOnok x? BEtol,ley dEal ng ompUtEy yg ncEm2..hikHik,jUst kidDing.."
I couldn't make this up even if I wanted to. Haha.
Yeah yeah she has a right to type however the hell she wants, but I also have the right to think whatever I want. And I gotta say, I'm utterly impressed. Really.
I've heard about people who type like this, but I've never encountered it like 'full blown' macam ni. Sikit2 pernah lah. Tapi sampai macam ni. I'm not saying that my writing's perfect, I mean I practice Manglish too. Terfikir, mesti penat gila kan bila tengah type pastu nak tukar saiz huruf IN THE MIDDLE OF A WORD. It takes effort. Nak tukar2 saiz huruf, nak tukar ejaan, pastu nak letak dot dot tu. Kena committed, kalau tak committed tak jadi. Ya I love Manglish see. Haha.
But girl seriously, sampai ke tahap itu. Orang nak faham pun susah. Congratulations, you've just completely destroyed the language of a whole nation. That takes guts kid.