Wednesday 23 May 2012

Note to self.

It's merely a human thing to question why we have to go through such situations of distress and worry. Why do some things we face have to be so gut wrenchingly difficult? Why can't everything just be smooth sailing like we plan it to be? Like we hope it to be.

Why does God put us in these challenging situations? Why can't the path be straight and bump-free? Kenapa kena susah and tak menentu?

Lepas tu terfikir, biasanya kita doa dekat Allah untuk dekatkan hati kita dengan Dia supaya kita lagi rapat and lagi percaya pada ketentuan Dia kan. So maybe, that's Him answering our prayers. Bila kita doa untuk Tuhan kuatkan iman kita, perhaps the way to look at it is that Allah jawab doa kita dalam bentuk 'trials and tribulations'. Sebab orang yang hidup senang lenang tanpa cabaran akan lebih mudah untuk leka and jauh dari Allah, because he doesn't have to pray for anything since he always gets what he wants. Orang yang perlu hadapi kesusahan dan kepayahan hidup selalu kena mohon Allah tolong permudahkan perjalanan. Allah nak dekatkan kita dengan Dia. Nak kukuhkan iman kita.

When things get difficult, the tendency for humans is to ask for help. And when all is done, at the end of the day we realise that there is only so much we are capable of doing. So we bow down to the Almighty and ask for His help for us to face these challenges. Ini cara Allah nak bagi hati kita humble and kita tak bangga diri or riak. Supaya kita ingat nak cari Allah selalu. So that we always remember that in essence, we are powerless. We are nobody. We are absolutely nothing without Him. 

Bila solat tu, the act of 'sujud' itself is the absolute epitome of total submission. You are literally begging for His mercy and His forgiveness. You surrender your fate to Him. You acknowledge being completely helpless and that you need His help to get through. Kira-kira balik, sehari kita kena sujud 34 kali (yes I did the maths there haha) and it shows how much Allah loves us and wants us to remember Him. To keep us close to Him. Itu pun, hati kita kadang-kadang rasa jauh je dari Dia. Bila kena go through really hard situations baru nak ingat balik dekat Dia. Lumrah kehidupan. Though, bila dah sedar, we can always try to be better.

Just a little reminder to myself. I'm trying. 

Smile :)