Sunday, 14 August 2011

give me a smile or give me a sneer

In light of the recent week, I have realised more than ever that I hate drama. I've always avoided drama. I mean I used to have drama classes in Year 7 and I loved that, because it was fake drama. The creating and acting of scenes that we would then present in front of the class. That was a blast. But honestly I can always remember avoiding any form of drama since lower school. Same goes for middle school, high school, even during foundation, heck especially during foundation. I hate the emotional shitload that comes along with drama.

All the irrelevant issues that just stink to have to be dealt with. YES YES I know this is life and what's life without a little drama, right? Wrong. I just think there's a difference between necessary drama and "useless-mind stressing-people hurting" drama.

Y'know, necessary drama is like the kind of things you go through that makes you grow up and become a better person and all that life changing hoopla. Stuff that lets you learn about yourself and how to deal with issues. Then there's the "useless-mind stressing-people hurting" drama, the kind of issues that would better be left avoided. The drama that occurs when people say things, and you say things, and you hear things and it hurts. Penyakit dicari.

I do like the aftermath though. The part when all the crap is over and you realise you're alive and breathing and you're not 7 feet under. When you come out fighting and you realise you're stronger than ever and you feel all triumphant and awesome on the inside 'cos you didn't think all the mind-numbing drama stench would ever go away. And then it finally does, and you're okay. That part's pretty great.

I've come a long way from being a 6 year old at a reading competition. That part went by too fast.

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